My novel, All the Broken Angels, honors the brave men and women who served in Vietnam and their families on the home front. On January 27, 1973, representatives from the United States, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam communist forces gathered in Paris to sign the Paris Peace Accords, known as the "Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. Sadly, peace was not achieved. But the last American combat troops left the country on March 29, 1973.

But the war took a toll on those who lost their lives and those who returned home and their families. Those who returned didn't receive a hero's welcome. Many struggled to survive in a country that no longer accepted them. They struggled with this alienation on top of the horrors of war. To this day, many still continue to seek help. I had the opportunity to work with a number of these brave men and women, and I thank them for sharing their stories with me. These stories were the inspiration for writing this novel. There was another inspiration as well—my cousin, Albie, who served in the infantry in Vietnam. I hope I did your story and the stories of many veterans, just with this novel.